Dark Green Religion



In the 'Readers Guide' to Dark Green Religion, Bron Taylor mentioned that he would establish a website to provide the unabridged notes that further illuminate the phenomena discussed in his book. In this "supplementary materials" domain you will find these unabridged notes by selecting the chapter numbers, below.

You will also find, when selecting these chapters, images, sounds, and motion pictures that provide a visceral feel for the phenomena described in the book that words alone cannot express. Above these chapters I have provided two additional sections that provide further examples of dark green religion: for these select the links to “Favorites (Media and More)” and “Avatar and Nature Spirituality.”

Readers may also be interested in Professor Taylor’s retrospective, which he wrote in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the book’s publication; see Dark Green Religion: A Decade Later.

Additional information pertinent to the book can be found in opinion and perspectives Taylor has written for newspapers and other popular venues. Also available are various interviews he has given, as well as interview-related newspaper and magazine articles, that deal with the phenomena explored in the book.

Under “Reader Responses & Examples” one can also find a link to Facebook's Dark Green Religion fan site.

It would be informative and even fun to plunge right into these online materials before reading the book. For the most part, however, it would be better to examine these online resources as or after you read the book. Then all of these supplemental materials will make more sense.

Please feel free to contact Bron Taylor directly with your own examples, comments, or criticisms.