Below is a list of places, courses, and faculty who have assigned Dark Green Religion. Kindly contact Bron Taylor if you know of courses in which the book has been assigned other than those appearing below.
- University of Hawai'i
Spiritual Ecology, Les Sponsel
- University of Southern California
Spirituality and Reality Today, Dallas Willard
- Edinburgh University (Scotland, United Kingdom)
Religion & Ecology, Michael Northcott
- University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Community and Environmental Sociology Department
Environmental Stewardship & Social Justice, Michael Bell
- St. John's University (Minnesota)
Religion and Nature, Richard Bohannon
- Florida International University
Religion, Nature and Globalization, Whitney Bauman
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Green Cultures & Feminisms, Danielle Roth-Johnson
- Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada)
Religion & the Environment Seminar, Noel Salmond
- Michigan State University
Religion and the Environment, Gretel Van Wieren
- Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Undergraduate Honors Seminar and
Religion, Nature and Technology (Graduate Seminar), James Miller
- Southwestern University
Environmental Studies, Gavin Van Horn
- Mount Royal University (Calgary, Canada)
Literature & the Environment, Robert Boschman
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
Spirituality and the Earth, Michael Newton
- Arizona State University
Religion and Nature, Seth Clippard
- University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Sociology Department: Nature, Faith, and Politics, Michael Bell
- University of New Mexico
Ancient Religions and Ecology, Matt Wiebe
- University of South Carolina Beaufort
Eco-Religious Cultures, Susan Shaffer
- The University of Florida
New Religious Movements, Robin Wrigh
- Kenyon College
Religion and Nature, Joseph Adler
- Meadville/Lombard Theological School
Contemporary Paganism, Margot Adler
- University of Denver
Religion, Environment, and International Relations, Carol Samson
Other universities and colleges that have ordered DGR for courses, according the University of California Press, include: Ohio State University, Auburn University (GA), Sienna College (NY), University of Michigan, Heartland Community College (IL), Lamar State College (TX), Purdue University (IN), University of Redlands (CA), College of Charleston, Hartwick College (NY), Emory University (GA), Oslo University (Norway).