For a complete list of presentations, including given at conferences, see Taylor’s Curriculum Vitae. Immediately below are selected, invited and keynote presentations, first international, then domestic.

International (invited and keynote presentations)

“The Globalization of Dark Green Religion: debates and evidence”, keynote lecture, International Conference on Literature and Mediation, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, 23-25 October 2020.
“Religion & Nature: the state of the field and an agenda for research”, invited presentation, 'Religion and Nature' conference, Soochow University, China, May 2018.
“Religion, environmental mobilization, and the quest for sustainability", Invited lecture, symposium at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of the University of Lille, France, for a symposium titled “The spiritual dimensions of ecologists mobilizations: what can we learn about the ecological crisis?” March 2017.
“Cultural Creativity and the Quest for a Planetary Earth Civilization”, invited presentation in “Second International Seminar on Environment, Culture and Religion - Promoting Intercultural Dialogue for Sustainable Development,” hosted by the Iranian Department of Environment in partnership with UNEP & UNESCO, Tehran, Iran, 23-24 April 2016.
“Workshop on Collective Behavior Change for Sustainable Futures”, invited participant, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany, in association Future Earth and with KLASICA (the Science Plan of the Knowledge, Learning, and Societal Change Alliance), 6-9 February 2016.
“Judaism and the prospect of 'religion' promoting environmental awareness, concern, and action,” invited, plenary lecture, “Symposium on Sustainability, Values, and Religion,” Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-12 June 2015.
“Religion, Ecology, and the Environment in Africa and the African Diaspora”, conference keynote presentation, 6th African Association for the Study of Religion Conference, University of Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.
The Fourth Annual David L. Dungan Memorial Lecture at the University of Tennessee, 20 February 2014. Lecture information.
“Engineering Climate and Cultures: Troubling Questions about Whether, Why, and How to Change Cultural and Climate Systems to Adapt to Anthropogenic Climate Change,” invited presentation at the Religious and Spiritual Perspectives on Climate Engineering workshop, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (Germany), April 2013.
“Religion and the Environment”, several lectures as invited Faculty Lecturer, Lund University (Sweden), March 2013.
Instructor on global environmentalism, Global Environments Summer Academy (sponsored by the Global Diversity Foundation and Rachel Carson Center), Munich (Germany), August 2012.
“Spirituality After Darwin: On the Globalization of Nature Spirituality and the Possibility of Terrapolitan Earth Religion Contributing to Resilience and Environmental Sustainability,” invited lecture, Division of the History of Science and Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 19 April 2012.
“Religion and Ecology,” Invited Seminar presentation, Centre for Human Ecology, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 March 2012.
“The Land Ethic, Biosphere Ethics, Climate Change and the envisioned One Health paradigm," plenary presentation, and ‘From Limits to Growth to the Growth of Limits: responsibilities of highly and less developed countries as constraints on growth intensify,’ special section presentation, during the ‘One Health - One Planet - One Future: International Perspectives’ conference, Davos, Switzerland 19-23 February 2012.
“Reading Religion and Resistance in Earth Art and the Book of Nature,” keynote presentation, ‘Religion, Nature and Art Conference,’ the Vatican Museums, Vatican City, 15 October 2011.
“Religion and parareligion in biodiversity advocacy,” lecture, Institute for Social Anthropology, the University of Oslo, 11 October 2011.
“Dark Green Religion and the Roots of Western Environmental Resistance,” Keynote Presentation at the conference, Under Western Skies: Climate, Culture & Change in Western North America, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 2010.
“Anger, Apocalypse & the Sublime: Poetic Arts as Inspiration and Weapon in the War on and over Nature,” Keynote Presentation at the conference, Tools of the Sacred, Techniques of the Secular: Awakening, Epiphany, Apocalypse, and Doubt in Contemporary English-Language Verse, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 4-7 May 2010.
“Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement: Contributions, Conflict, Contradictions, and Complications in a Prominent ENGO,” workshop sponsored by CERES21 & the European University Institute, Florence Italy, September 2009.
“Trust in Nature / Faith in Civil Society,” Arne Naess Symposium, Centre for Environment and Development, Oslo, August 2008.
“The Role of Religion in Environmental Governance,” plenary speaker in two “impulse sessions” on “ethics” and “capacity building, at the Freiburg Forum on Environmental Governance, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, April 2008.
“Values and Ethics in Sustainable Development,” invited lecture, the International Conference on Sustainable Development, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2007.
“`World Religion,’ `Nature Religion,’ and the Quest for Sustainability,” invited presentation at the conference, “Religion, the Environment and Development: The potential for Partnership?” hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the World Bank, United Nations Development Program, and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), Oslo, November 2006.
“Blurring boundaries – Where do religious environmental organizations end and secular ones begin?” invited presentation at the conference, “Religious NGOs, Civil Society and the Aid System,” an Exploratory Workshop sponsored by the European Science Foundation/Standing Committee on Social Science, Oslo, November 2006.
“Religion and Nature—the Emerging Field,” Centre for Human Ecology, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2006.
“Religion and Ethics in Models for Sustainability,” prepared comments for “Sustainability and Democracy: a Need for Alternatives,” a preparatory workshop in advance of the 2007 International Conference on the 20th Anniversary of the Brundtland Report, Center for Environment and Development, Universitetet i Oslo (Norway), February 2006.
“Revisiting Ecoterrorism,” Religion(en) im Konflict conference, Deutchen Verreinigung fur Religionsgeschichte, Erfurt Germany, 28 September 2003.
“Religion, Nature, and Religious Studies,” International Association for the History of Religions Congress, Durban, South Africa, August 2000.
“Evoking the Ecological Self: Art and Ritual Resistance to the War on Nature,” International Transpersonal Association, 13th Annual Conference, Killarney, Ireland.  Also during a Deep Ecology symposium gave presentation entitled “The International Deep Ecology Movement: Lessons from the Front Lines,” May 1994.
“Darwin and Nature Spirituality,” invited presentation in “Berlin Celebrates Darwin: (Im-)Mortality and the Meaning of Life and Death in Relation to the Theory of Evolution,” part of the Science in the Dinosaur Hall series at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, Germany, 12 February 2016.
“Sustainable Development goals and Global Development Challenges,” Keynote Presentation, and invited instructor, Bergen Summer Research School, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 22-29 June 2015.
“Under Western Skies” conference keynote presentation, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 9-13 September 2014.
“Dangerous Territory: The Contested Perceptual Spaces Between Imperial Conservation and Environmental Justice,” invited presentation at the Edges of Environmental History workshop inaugurating the 7th Biennial European Society for Environmental History Association conference, Munich, Germany, August 2013.
“Environmental Mobilization and Dark Green Religion” invited keynote address, and workshop facilitator on the History of Sustainability, 10th Annual Earth Day Colloquium, Western Ontario University (Canada), April 2013.
“Disaster at Rio,” Special Session on “Rio+20 and the future of sustainability and disaster risk reduction,” 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference, Davos Switzerland, August 2012.  Also Chair of the plenary session on “Disasters, Environment, and Migration.”
“Environmentalism and the analysis of Religion/Non-religion,” invited keynote presentation, “Religion and Society Research Day” at Leeds University, United Kingdom, 6 June 2012.
“Spirituality After Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion as a New, Global Religious Movement,” invited lecture, Section of the Study of Religion, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 18 April 2012.
“Spirituality After Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion as a New, Global Religious Movement,” invited lecture, Edinburgh University, Scotland, 16 March 2012.
“Radical Environmentalism in the Age of Terrorism,” invited colloquium lecture, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Germany, 2 February 2012.
“Passion for Biodiversity: Conservation and Nature Religion in the Consecration of Evolutionary Processes and Natural Variety, ” presentation to collaborators in research project, ‘Cultures of Biodiversity: Perceptions and Practices,’ Institute of Social Anthropology, the University of Oslo, 13 October 2011.
“Gaian Earth Religion: Vanishing Divine Being(s) and the Mod-God Nature,” Research Colloquium 'The Gods as Role Model,’ the University of Gronningen (The Netherlands), January 2011.
Plenary Presentations during the opening ceremony and the Public Open Forum on "Risk, Culture, Ethics and Behavioral Change," International Disaster Risk Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 30 May & 2 June 2010.
“Environmental Ethics and Radical Environmentalism,” invited lecture, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, November 2009.
“Terrapolitanism or Totalitarianism: Considering the Progress and Peril of Dark Green Religion,” Presidential Address, Third Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2009.
Invited workshop participant and presenter, exploring Chile’s biosphere reserve proposal, “Ecologia y Sociedad: Enfrentando el Cambio Global con una Red de Sitios de Estudios Socio-Ecológicos de Largo Plazo al Sur de América” Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas & Unidad Académica Puerto Williams, Provincia Antártica Chilena, June 2008.
“Paganism as a New World Religion,” Presidential Address, Second Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Morelia, Mexico, January 2008.
“The Past and Future of the Religion and Nature Field,” keynote address, at the conference, “Critical Perspectives on Religion and the Environment,” sponsored by the Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies, and the Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Leeds University.
“Environmental Ethics and Religion in Reaction to the Crisis of Nature,” invited plenary address, at the International Environment Symposium, sponsored by the Presidency of Machelievler Municipality, Istanbul (Turkey), June 2006.
“Surfing and Nature Religion,” Universitetet i Oslo (Norway), February 2006
“Globalizing Green Religion: Nature Religion from Deep Ecology, to Radical Environmentalism, and the United Nations,” Universitetet i Bergen (Norway), February 2006
“Religion and the Environment in the International Context,” invited plenary presentation, Religion and Environment in Europe Workshop, sponsored by the European Science Foundation, Benediktbeuern, Germany, June 2005.
“Civil Earth Religion and the Sacralization of the Biosphere,” Environment, Religion, and Globalized Spaces, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 25&26 September 2003.
“Religion & Ecology: Visions for an Emerging Academic Field,” plenary speaker for the annual conference, “Religious Studies in Secondary Schools,” Toronto Canada, November 2002.
“Diggers, Wolves, Ents, Elves and Expanding Universes: Global Bricolage and the Question of Violence within the Subcultures of Radical Environmentalism,” for conference on “Rejected and Suppressed Knowledge: The Racist Right and the Cultic Milieu,” Sponsored by the Center for Migration Studies and the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, Stockholm University, February 1997.
“A Green Future for Ritual and Religion?” keynote presentation, African Religion and Ritual Conference, National Science Foundation, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, September 2003.

Domestic (invited and keynote presentations)

“Religion, Science and the Future,” Featured speaker, 10th Anniversary Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, The University of Florida, January 2016.
“Wonder and the Natural World,” Keynote Lecture at “Wonder and the Natural World Symposium,” Indiana University Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society, May 2015.
“Terrapolitan Earth Civilization and the Religious and Natural Future,” invited public lecture, and a seminar titled “The Greening of Religion Hypothesis,” sponsored by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies, the University of Kansas, April 2015.
“Dangerous Territory: The Contested Perceptual Spaces Between Imperial Conservation and Environmental Justice” invited lecture, Environmental Studies Program, University of California, Santa Cruz, 28 April 2015.
“Dark Green Religion from the first to this Earth Day,” University of South Carolina Upstate (Spartanville), 21 April 2014.
“Toward a Terrapolitan Earth Civilization,” invited lecture, Environmental Arts and Humanities Program, Oregon State University, January 2014.
“A Research Romp through Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies: From Grassroots Environmentalism to Ecological Enlightenment?”, invited lecture, Environmental Studies Program, the University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2013.
“Spirituality After Darwin,” invited lecture, Cultures of Energy/Mellon-Sawyer Seminar Series Seminar, Rice University, Houston Texas, February 2013.
“Panentheism and Dark Green Spirituality,” invited presentation, workshop on Evolutionary Panentheism, the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, November 2012.
“The media and message of Dark Green Religion: tracking the spread and influence of contemporary nature spirituality,” invited lecture, Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina, September 2012.
“The Greening of Religion Hypothesis,” presenter and convener of the “Forum on The Greening of Religion Hypothesis,” 5th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Pepperdine University, Malibu, August 2012.
"Spirituality After Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion as a New, Global Religious Movement," keynote presentation at the conference, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on New Religions: Globalization and Sustainability,” University of South Florida, 1 March 2012.
“Dark Green Religion,” Reinhold Niebuhr Lecture Institute, Sienna College, Loudonville New York, 10 March 2011.
“North American Perspectives on Reclaiming Ecological Wisdom for the Crisis of our Time,” workshop sponsored by Stanford's Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior initiative, Stanford University, 23-24 May 2010.
“Religion and Climate Change,” Plenary Presentation, Consilience Among the Social Sciences in the Face of Global Climate Change, Launch Workshop, the Rocky Mountain Series on Social Science & Global Change, Colorado State University, April 2010
“Integrating the Humanities into Environment-related education,” Plenary Presentation, Conference on Teaching and the Environment, LeMoyne College, Syracuse New York, October 2009.
“Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Quest for Sustainability." Keynote Address, Conference on Humanities and Sustainability, Florida Gulf Coast University, May 2009.
“Beyond Taboo: The Interdisciplinary Imperative in Environmental and Sustainability Studies.” Wrigley Lecture, Arizona State University, November 2008.  Also presented “The Humanities & Sustainability Studies: Gaining Place at the Table.”
“Justice, Faith, and the Quest for Sustainability: From Rio to Johannesburg and Beyond,” keynote presentation, Young Adult Ecumenical Forum on Environmental Justice 2007, March Chapel at Boston University, July 2007.
“Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front: Exploring the Religious Dimensions of the Radical Environmental Movement through Sound, Performance and Art,” and “Surfing as Nature Religion,” Carleton College (Minnesota), February 2007.
“A Green Future for Religion and the Earth?,” plenary presentation for the inaugural conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, The University of Florida, April 2006.
“Globalization and Earth-Based Spiritualities,” Hamilton College, invited lecture, March 2006.
“The Future of the Humanities in Environmental Education,” University Lecture, The University of North Texas, February 2005.
“Earth First!, Ritual, and Nature Religion,” Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, The University of Vermont, October 2004.
“The United Nations and the Future of Sustainability Politics,” keynote presentation, Roots and Shoots Conference (Jane Goodall Institute), Warren Wilson College, April 2003.
“Revolutionary Environmentalism: Promise or Peril?,” keynote presentation, “Revolutionary Ecology” conference, California State University, Fresno, January 2003.
“Radical Environmentalism and Bioregionalism: The Promise and Peril of Dark Green Religion,” Anthropology Forum, California State University Chico, April 2002.
“Terrorism and Beyond: the 21st Century,” invited discussant, “Terrorism and Beyond” conference, Oklahoma City, April 2000.
“Environmental Resistance: Lessons from the Front Lines,” Earth Day keynote address, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore Pennsylvania, April 1999.
“Bioregionalism: an Ethics of Loyalty to Place,” presentation for a roundtable conference on “Bioregionalism and its Influence in Europe in the United States,” Dumbarton Oaks (The Harvard University Center for the Study of Landscape Architecture), Washington DC, April 1997.
“Locating the Sacred: the Controversy over the Mount Graham International Observatory,” plenary speaker and panelist for OnSite/InSight: Nature, Humanity, and Time; a Symposium on Landscape History. Pennsylvania State University, June 1996.
“Art, Religion, Ritual, and Ecological Resistance in the North American Deep Ecology Movement,” invited seminar presentation, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin Madison, October 1994.
“Earth or Outer Space as Sacred Place: the Battle over the Mount Graham International Observatory,” faculty colloquium, the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., November 1993.
“The Primal Spirituality and Musical Ritualizing of Earth First!,” featured speaker, sponsored by the Wisconsin Institute for the Study of War, Peace, and Global cooperation.  Presentation at St. Norbert’s College, DePere Wisconsin, April 1993.
“Affirmative Action at Work: Battleground of Competing Values,” keynote address, Ethics in Public Life lecture series, Kansas Wesleyan University, September 1992.
“Earth First!’s Spiritual Politics,” seminar sponsored by the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, August 1991.
“Religion and World Eco/Social Systems,” invited reflections during the Workshop on Religion and World Order, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, September 2015.
“Spirituality after Darwin,” invited public lecture, India-China Institute and the Eugene Lang College of Religious Studies, New School for Social Research, New York City, September 2015.
“Spirituality after Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion and the Future of Religion and Nature,” The Roetzel Lecture in Religious Studies at Institute for Advanced Study, the University of Minnesota, April 2015.
“Surfing into Spirituality and Environmental Action,” invited lecture, Hayward Sustainability Speaker Series, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterrey, California, 30 April 2015.
“Terrapolitan Earth Civilization and the Possibility of a Green Transformation,” University of South Carolina (Charleston), 24 April 2014.
“Spirituality after Darwin: ‘Dark Green’ Nature Religion as a New, Global, Religious Movement,” The Fourth Annual David L. Dungan Memorial Lecture, University of Tennessee, February 2014.
Invited discussant, International Conference on Everyday Religion and Sustainable Environments in the Himalaya (ERSEH), sponsored by the India China Institute at the New School, New York, March 2013.
“Spirituality After Darwin,” invited lecture, Anthropology Department, University of California, Berkeley, November 2012.
“Religion and the Environment,” moderator and forum participant regarding the World Wildlife Fund's 'Sacred Earth Program,' Board of Directors & National Council Joint Session, Washington DC, October 2012.
“Surfing into Paradise and Catastrophe: Hollywood and Malibu in the Construction of Religious and Parareligious Surfing Imaginaries” 5th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Pepperdine University, Malibu, August 2012.
“Ethics and Saving the Future” and “Green Religion and the possibility that ‘reverence for life’ ethics might help secure a flourishing future”, two plenary presentations, at the Institute on Religion in the Age of Science Conference with the theme “Saving the Future,” Lake George, New York, 28 July – 4 August 2012.
“Aldo Leopold: Extending the Land Ethic to Sustainability”, panelist (and chair of session on “Protestantism and Environmental History”), American Society for Environmental History, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2011.
“Civil Earth Religion versus Religious Nationalism,” invited presentation, workshop on Spirituality and Politics, Social Science Research Council, New York City, 24-25 September 2010.
“Dark Green Religion,” invited inaugural Daffodil Lecture, Commonwealth Honors College, The University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA, April 2010.
“Dark Green Religion,” invited public lecture, the University of Colorado, November 2009.
“Dark Green Religion," Invited Lecture, University of North Texas, May 2009.
“From Earth Day to Earth Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Quest for Sustainability." Earth Day lecture, Syracuse University, April 2009. 
“Science & Spirituality: Making the Connection in the Cause of Conservation,” keynote presentation, 4th International Partners in Flight Conference entitled “Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People,” McAllen, Texas, February 2008.
“Sustainability Politics from the Ecotone to the Biosphere,” Invited Lecture, Northern Arizona University, May 2007.
“The Spirituality, Ritualizing and Activism of Radical Environmentalism,” College of Charleston (South Carolina), October 2006.
“From the Ground Up: Growing a Green Future for Religion and Ethics,” invited lecture, Harvard University, March 2006.
“Earth First!, Ritual, and Nature Religion,” Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, The University of Vermont, October 2004.
“Radical Environmentalism and Bioregionalism: The Promise and Peril of Dark Green Religion,” University Lecture, Syracuse University, September 2004.
“Teaching Science in Religion and Ecology Curricula,” Seminar on Teaching Religion and Ecology, Indiana University, October 2003.
“Eco-Anarchy or Eco-Law?: Sustainability Politics and Spirituality from Radical Environmentalism to the World Summit on Sustainability,” keynote presentation, 9th Annual Public Interest Environmental conference on “Saving What’s Left,” the University of Florida Law School, February 2003.
“Global Ethics and the World Summit on Sustainable Development: Johannesburg and the Future of Sustainability Politics,” keynote presentation, Earth Charter Summit, the University of Wisconsin, September 2002.
“Who is Who Resisting the WTO?: The Roots of the Anti-Globalization Protest in the United States,” keynote address for the conference “Green Protest: Activism to Protect the Environment Around the Globe,” co-sponsored by the German Historical Institute and Florida State University, Tallahassee Florida, December 2000.
“Green Religion in the Western United States: Mapping the terrain from Bioregional Deep Ecology to Terrapolitan Earth Religion,” Wirth Forum on Religion, Nature, and the West, sponsored by the Center of the American West, University of Colorado, March 2000.
“Earth and Nature-Based Spirituality: From Radical Environmentalism to Scientific Paganism,” presentation for a “Consultation on Spirituality,” funded by the Henry Luce Foundation of New York and sponsored by the Religious Studies Department at University of California, Santa Barbara, March 1998.
“Environmental Resistance: Lessons from the Front Lines,” Earth Day keynote address, University of Wisconsin Stout, April 1997.
“Environmental Paganism and Ecological Resistance: Problems and Prospects in the Global Context,” plenary speaker and panelist, at the conference entitled Ecological Resistance Movements: Religion, Politics, Ethics. University of Wisconsin Madison, November 1995.
“Radical Environmentalism,” invited presentation, Environmental Studies Program, University of Southern California, February 1994.
“Environmental Paganism and Musical Ritualizing: Field Recordings from Earth First! Wilderness Gatherings,” plenary address, North American Interdisciplinary Wilderness Conference, Weber State University, Ogden Utah, November 1993.
“Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics,” featured speaker, sponsored by the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.  Presentations at three Colleges and Universities, Fall 1992
“Earth First!’s Primal Spirituality,” public lecture, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 1992.
“A Portrait of the Ethics and Politics of Earth First!,” 5th annual Casassa Conference entitled Ecological Prospects: Theory and Practice. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, March 1991.