Bron Taylor has produced an award winning encyclopedia, five books, numerous articles in journals and books, and in the popular press. He also founded of the quarterly Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, which he has edited since 2007.
Descriptions of these works and in many cases direct links to the articles are provided below. A complete publication list can be found on his curriculum vitae (resume).
In this innovative and deeply felt work, Bron Taylor examines the evolution of "green religions" in North America and beyond: spiritual practices that hold nature as sacred and have in many cases replaced traditional religions.
Bron Taylor unites theoretical and applied social science to analyze a salient contemporary moral and political problem. Three decades after the passage of civil rights laws, criteria for hiring and promotion to redress past discrimination and the sensitive “quota” question are still unresolved issues.
In this book, Taylor commissioned scholars to explore grassroots environmental protest movements around the world, analyzing the ways in which they resemble and differ from one another with regard to their critical analyses and strategies, religious and ethical motives, and political impacts.
The journal seeks to illuminate these questions: What are the relationships among human beings and what are variously understood by the terms religion, nature, and culture? And, What constitutes ethically appropriate relationships between our own species and the places, including the entire biosphere, which we inhabit?"